Monday, November 23, 2009

Flat Tracy is on the move! With drink in hand, and kicky t-straps strapped on Flat Tracy is off to celebrate Thanksgiving in a very exotic locale, check back soon to see her most recent adventure!

Friday, November 20, 2009

But First a Little Disclaimer...

While the specific concept of Flat Tracy is mine - it wouldn't be right to start this little undertaking without acknowledging The Official Flat Stanley Project. The Flat Stanley Project was created to encourage creativity and literacy in children and is a totally worthwhile and respectable cause. You can check out their project here Flat Tracy is in no way officially (or unofficially for that matter) associated with The Official Flat Stanley Project.

Flat Tracy is in no way intended to be anything other than something fun for me and my friends to do and a way for me to express a little pent up creativity and live a little vicariously through the adventures of my friends, family and other miscellaneous people I may cross paths with.

So - enough with the seriousness, on to the adventures!!

All It Takes is Wine...

And I'm convinced to undertake an entire blog, where the sole purpose is to report on the adventures of Jet-Setting, wanna-be socialite, Flat Tracy.

At three months Flat Tracy has already racked up almost 10,000 frequent flier miles, going as far as the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

You just never know where she will turn up next.

- Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere
~ Carl Sagan~